"We are not supposed to always understand why certain things happen. Trust him completely and let him be in control."


About Me (1) Personal (1) Travel (8)

Sunday, January 20, 2013


Do you look forward to a great start of the year?

Another year had passed and I cannot believe that it’s already 2013! I am hoping that this would be a great year for all of us! I would love to become a member of the legal profession any time soon and at the same time enjoying life with my family and friends. I studied for almost 20 years straight! From Kinder up to law school. Sometimes, I stop and ponder on the decisions I made in my life. I am in my floating status. Doubts are always within me. Is this the profession that I really wanted? Or God has another plan for me?

I know that I should not over think things. When you thought that things are complicated, stop and pause for a while... Breathe. I always count the days. I evaluate myself every day. I worry too much. I always try to keep myself from perfection.

My note to self 2013:

1.       Serve the Church
2.       More prayer time with the Lord
3.       Save money
4.       Establish my career/profession
5.       Quality time with family & friends

I didn’t include my personal life (love/partner). I’m just too tired of chasing the wrong one. May be I shouldn’t be in a hurry. I need to fix myself first and let go of the past.

I am sharing my Christmas (left) and New Year(right) pictures. 


Today, I decided to create my own blog (again) for the nth time. Since 2008, I already made my own blog. But I guess, blogging entails a lot of passion and consistency to write. I admit, I have a lot of interest like Fashion, love, life, God, travel, food etc. I was thinking, what category would my blog be? Fashion blogger? Travel? Food? I already tried a lot of blog topics! 

I decided to give RuthAnneSeries (www.ruthanneseries.blogspot.com) a try. It’s like a teleserye in the Philippines. Haha! 

My blog will contain random thoughts in my life. 

How about you? Have you tried blogging?